It sounds so simple. Do what you love and love what you do. Often I wonder if it is a choice or outside of our consciousness. Do we choose what we love? Do we love what we are good at,…
Do you love it?
How to get better? How to progress and avoid burn out? How to spend endless hours reading and learning about a certain topic and still wanting more? How to be so focused on our job that it is the only…
Decision before research.
It's tempting to kill a project instantly when we have a negative personal opinion about it. But do you know everything? Sometimes it makes a lot of sense to go through all the details and really see deep what is…
Emotional attachment leads to disappointment
The more we attach ourselves emotionally to the outcome of whatever we are doing the more we will suffer in case of a bad outcome. Let's be focused but without having our emotions playing the main role. There is a…
There is no luck on your way to success.
“Luck is like a bus. If you miss one, there’s always the next one. But if you’re not prepared, you won’t be able to jump on” Qi Lu Success is reaching whatever goal you set for yourself. You want to…
Empathy is not necessarily only about thinking positively about someone. It's also not about trying to imagine how they feel in a given situation. Empathy is about putting yourself in the shoes of the other person. How did they get…