“Luck is like a bus. If you miss one, there’s always the next one. But if you’re not prepared, you won’t be able to jump on” Qi Lu
Success is reaching whatever goal you set for yourself. You want to take luck of the equation. I think it takes preparation, determination and perseverance. This is a great combination which sets you up for a fulfilling life. No expectations. Don’t want leave room to hide behind luck, other people, and circumstances. Everything is in our hands. It gives a feeling of freedom because our outcomes are solely related to our preparation.
When I look at myself in the past I was looking at luck as something that some people have and some don’t. Now I see that by coincidence people who were well prepared had generally more luck.
I believe that this is one of the most important topics to be discussed. If I don’t take full responsibility it’s very easy to slip into the victim role which is holding us back from growing. Why? Because we blame someone else for things we should improve or do ourselves. I see big progress during those projects where I take all responsibility.